Friday, August 13, 2010

End of Season

The raspberries are just about done.

We thank you for your support.
Without you this would not be possible.

Hope you all have a great year & we hope to see you again next year.

Thank you,
Garrie & Diane Gillam

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thank You!

We want to thank you for making our first year of strawberries a huge success!

Check back with us in 2011 for our new variety, Brunswicks. The Allstars will still be available as well.

Again, thank you!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Raspberries are ready!

We have opened the raspberry field.

Check with us to make sure we haven't been picked out.

Hope to see you soon.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


It's almost raspberry time!

We're planning to open the field this weekend.

Check back with us to make sure, though.

We replaced some of our Cascade Delights with new plants so
hopefully they'll do better. They are the same kind, just new roots.

Our strawberries are winding down. There are still some out there but are harder to find. Check with us before you come out to see how they're doing. I'll update when we shut it down.

See you soon!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Strawberry Field is Open

We have opened the strawberry field.

It's best to call ahead of time to see if we've been picked out or not.

With this wet, cooler weather the berries are ripening slower than usual.

We hope to see you soon.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's almost time to open the strawberry field! Our exact opening date will depend on how quickly the berries are ripening; it will be posted as we get closer to June.

We currently have over 4000 Allstar plants, a very sweet juicy berry that is wonderful for eating fresh, making jam and freezing. They are blooming like crazy so we are expecting an abundant crop!

In addition to u-picks we will be offering we-pick orders for strawberries. We ask for a minimum of two days notice, large orders will require a deposit before we begin picking.

Our raspberries are looking fantastic and should be ready in early July. They will be available as u-pick only.

We hope to see you soon!